About Me

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Email: [email protected]

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A little about myself

My name is Sean I have 10+ years experience in the fields of system administration network administration and network security my goal for my Blog and Youtube channel is to provide some information from my experiences to better help beginners and even some fellow network security professionals on how to better protect networks and endpoint devices such as servers I also post about more general system administration and I.T topics


any comments or suggestions please let me know!

With great knowledge comes great responsibility the information on this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used in a production network without express permission from the network owners/administrators the views expressed in this blog are my own and come from my experience and education and do not reflect those of my employer

any scripts or software downloaded from this blog come without warranty Sean Mancini or seanmancini.com cannot be held liable for any damages caused by the scripts/software



22 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Sean,

    I was watching your video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXtzalQDDmA which was really good but I had some questions if I may .

    One of my clients that owns a restaurant wanted to limit guest use on the store wifi .. He having issues with non-paying customers using the establishment as an office/library for 8-12 hours at a time….

    This individual is looking for an application that will notify the guest user using the wifi that internet has expired or reached internet usage limit and kicks them off

    – Will untangle work on a comcast modem

    – Where do I install the untangle program? On a desktop

    – Does untangle provide notification and timeout option .. If not is there a captive portal app that has that option

    – How do I setup the program ? Is this firmware based or software based?

    Any of your assistance is greatly appreciated

    1. Thank you for your comment and support

      I sent you a message on the email you registered with let me know if that helps


  2. Sean, seems very odd, but your Linked-IN logo on contact page is not actively hyperlinked however when I copy and paste http://seanmancini.com/?page_id=97 into any of my browsers then double-click on the LinkedIN logo, I end up going to random websites as if being “hijacked”. You might see if same experience on your end? Regards and thanks again for the CACTI conversation.

    1. I dont see the same issue … weird i will check it out again and see if there is an issue possibly with the button fro linked in

      no problem for the cacti help

  3. Your email doesn’t seem to work.
    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: etc.

  4. Hey Sean,

    Thanks for trying out Fastvue Sophos Reporter! Glad you liked it.

    I’d be happy to send an NFR license your way if you’d be interested in doing a quick YouTube review?

    Co-founder & Chief Product Officer

  5. Good Day

    Mr. Sean Mancini

    Please take a look at this issue and help me stuck with this thing

    Trying to configure LDAP using AUTHENTICATION SERVICES
    this is the following error comes up again and again

    Server exists and accepts connections, but bind to ldap://:389 failed with this Bind DN and Password


    Mohd Siddiqui

  6. Hi Sean,

    I am having mass amounts of trouble getting Sophos UTM 9 up and running. I feel like i am doing everything right but i can never access the WebAdmin page after i setup the vm.

    Any thoughts?


  7. Sean, I appreciate your help with my IPSEC issue. I have not tried the mss change, as Sophos will not support or test it.

  8. Good evening sir, I really need your help. I come from Indonesian, now I’m taking classes at a campus of the University of Surabaya East Java Development Department of Informatics. Now that I’ve entered the last step of the courses I have taken and I had to make a thesis with a program entitled “Implementation Kippo Honeypot As Network Security Support From Brute Force”. Based on the video that has been created by you with the title “How to setup Kippo Live” I need your help to inform the content of the script and if no objection mysql.sql you can help me to send an email via my scrip mysql.sql this. really desperately need your help please sir. Thank you for the attention you have read the email from me. Sorry if there is one word to you because I was not so perfect in speaking English. The following Youtube link of you that I have seen about Kippo honeypot live setting

  9. Hi Seanny
    Your website is awesome … great job
    Keep on going … have you ever think to open a Patreon account ?

  10. Hi Sean! I loved watching your videos because they are very informative especially in my ongoing course. I hope it is okay for you if you could help me and answers my email interview to support my dissertation topic. I am sending it to you now.


  11. Hi Sean, I just watched your glastopf and snare installation video and loved your explanation. I am actually making web based honeypot system for my final year project. I would really appreciate if you could guide me through my project. Thankyouuu!!!!

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